by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 19, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
I write you as the state of Israel executes a genocide against you. I wonder what would happen if every time the state of Israel kills a Palestinian child, an Israeli Jewish child vanishes? Disappears? As the Native American poet Leslie Marmon Silko says, the...
by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 17, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
So much has changed in your life since your 3rd birthday celebrations on the 30th September. Your mum sent me videos then of you riding in a big blue car in an arcade, bouncing up and down with your contagious laugh. How long your wonderful parents spent thinking...
by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 16, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
Pienso en ustedes jugando en el Return Park, en el campamento de Malika, y escucho en mi mente sus voces, sus risas, sus gritos de felicidad y de júbilo. Los veo corriendo, saltando y tomándose de las manos, cantando y bailando. Mostrándonos que es posible transformar...
by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 15, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
My dear boy and my dear children When my son was 5 years old, he drew these monsters for me, cut them out and stuck them above my bed – they are good helpful monsters. My son told me he made them to protect me and, yes, they have done that for so many years. Now...
by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 15, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
One of the first images I saw coming out of the Gaza bombings was of you. I saw parts of the clip twice but could not watch the entire video. I assume you are about 8-9 years old. You were wounded and trembling. A man was holding you. I am not sure if that...
by Reimagining Childhood Studies | Nov 15, 2023 | Letters for Palestinian childhoods
I’m not a cat person. My sister has a cat, she is very mean. But I like your cat. She seems sweet. And I love her because you love her. You saved her from the first floor of a bombed building, while traumatized yourself, you did not leave the cat behind. Do all Gazans...