Reimagining Childhood Studies events. Check here for our upcoming seminars, talks, and other events.

Liberalism’s erasures
A Reimagining childhood studies webinar
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In this webinar, we tie together the conversations we’ve had on reimagining childhood studies, refusal and slow violence by inviting our speakers to think with, and across, theoretical frameworks that have challenged liberalism. For quite some time now, critical scholarship around race, indigeneity, dis/ability, feminism, neomarxism, decolonialism and postcolonialism have productively interrogated liberal certitudes. These theorizations coalesce in their attempts to historicize liberalism’s moral assertions, politicize its ethics of neutrality and recognize, as well as rework, its ongoing devaluation of particular lives. Our aim with this conversation is to explore the potential and utility of these critiques of liberalism to reimagine certain key assumptions within Childhood Studies. Some of the questions that our panelists have been asked to address include:
- How does these frameworks powerful historicizing of liberalism’s cultural, social, psychic and material practices in settler and non-settler colonies compel us to critically open-up Childhood Studies’ understandings of children’s subjectivities, including the dehistoricized valorization of ‘agency’?
- Given how these theorizations highlight the exploitation of marginal non-white childhoods as neither contingent nor haphazard, how might a more politicized framing of liberal settler and post-independence states, politics of accumulation, racialized capitalism and ‘slow violence’ fundamentally complicate existing understandings children and futurity?
- How might we work to epistemically include marginal children’s cultivation of everyday forms of knowledge – including their ‘refusal’ – as that which often exceed and fail to neatly fit within their representation within “narratives of pain” (Tuck et al 2014)?
- Paula Austin, Boston University
- Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, Western University
- Karen Wells, Birkbeck, University of London
Register in advance for this webinar:
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Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series
The Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series takes up the challenge posed by the recent publication of Reimagining Childhood Studies (Spyrou, Rosen and Cook 2019) to collectively rethink, innovate, and reimagine our field of studies in an effort to offer a substantive, renewed, and inspiring agenda for the years to come.
The series is convened by:
- Spyros Spyrou (European University Cyprus)
- Rachel Rosen (University College London)
- Sarada Balagopalan (Rutgers University, USA)
Watch previous webinars:
- Reimagining Childhood Studies (25 November 2020)
- Slow violence (10 February 2021, 16-17.30GMT)
- Childhood’s Refusals? (3 March 2021, 16-17.30GMT)

Feb 10, 2021
Slow violence
A Reimagining childhood studies webinar
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In this upcoming webinar, part of the Reimagining Childhood Studies series, we take up Rob Nixon’s (2011) notion of ‘slow violence’ to explore its value and utility for Childhood Studies as a field. Slow violence, in contrast to spectacular violence which can be easily seen and recognized, is, according to Nixon, gradual, attritional and often invisible. As a result, and despite its destructive force, it remains largely unaccounted for.
With the help of three distinguished scholars, we take a critical look at the concept of ‘slow violence’ and reflect on its scope and reach in Childhood Studies and the representational challenges it poses to scholarship.
- Professor Peter Kraftl (University of Birmingham, UK): Plastic Childhoods: ‘beyond’ toxic renderings of children’s intersections with toys, waste and other plastics
- Professor Erica Meiners (Northeastern Illinois University, USA): Racing to the ends of childhood studies?
- Professor Yaw Ofosu-Kusi (University of Education, Ghana): African Childhoods through the lens of Slow Violence
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series
The Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series takes up the challenge posed by the recent publication of Reimagining Childhood Studies (Spyrou, Rosen and Cook 2019) to collectively rethink, innovate, and reimagine our field of studies in an effort to offer a substantive, renewed, and inspiring agenda for the years to come.
The series is convened by:
- Spyros Spyrou (European University Cyprus)
- Rachel Rosen (University College London)
- Sarada Balagopalan (Rutgers University, USA)
Upcoming webinars include:
- Childhood’s Refusals? (3 March 2021, 16-17.30GMT)
- Liberalism’s Erasures (31 March 2021, 16-17.30GMT )
Previous webinars:
- Reimagining Childhood Studies (25 November 2020)

Mar 3, 2021
Childhood’s refusals?
A Reimagining childhood studies webinar
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This upcoming webinar takes up the notion of ‘refusal’ to explore its value and utility for Childhood Studies. Refusal, in the work of political anthropologist and Indigenous Studies scholar Audra Simpson, is both a research sensibility and decolonial act that presses the limits of a liberal politics of recognition. With the help of three distinguished scholars, in this webinar we consider: What does refusal mean in the context of critical childhood studies, given the thorny problem of power-laden generational relations and oppressive infrastructures of listening? In taking up refusal’s challenge to shift our unit of analysis away from marginalised peoples and pain narratives, what are the institutions, modes of power, and mutating forms of capitalist realism that demand exploration, interrogation, and reimagining in childhood studies?
- Valeria Llobet (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) : Everyday violence and child care in the Global South. Refusal as useful theoretical and methodological tool
- Fikile Nxumalo (The University of Toronto) : Cartographies of Black refusal in early childhood studies
- Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Unchilding Interrupted: Reflections from Palestine
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series
The Reimagining Childhood Studies webinar series takes up the challenge posed by the recent publication of Reimagining Childhood Studies (Spyrou, Rosen and Cook 2019) to collectively rethink, innovate, and reimagine our field of studies in an effort to offer a substantive, renewed, and inspiring agenda for the years to come.
The series is convened by:
- Spyros Spyrou (European University Cyprus)
- Rachel Rosen (University College London)
- Sarada Balagopalan (Rutgers University, USA)
Upcoming webinars include:
- Childhood’s Refusals? (3 March 2021, 16-17.30GMT) Register
- Liberalism’s Erasures (31 March 2021, 16-17.30GMT)
Previous webinars:
- Reimagining Childhood Studies (25 November 2020)
- Slow violence (10 February 2021, 16-17.30GMT)

Reimagining childhood studies
A Reimagining childhood studies webinar
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We are delighted to announce the webinar series Reimagining Childhood Studies and to invite you to our upcoming inaugural event. This first webinar will introduce the series and explore the challenge of reimagining Childhood Studies as an interdisciplinary field through conversations with prominent scholars from around the world and with an international audience.
The series takes the challenge posed by the recent publication of Reimagining Childhood Studies (Spyrou, Rosen and Cook 2019) to collectively rethink, innovate, and reimagine our field of studies in an effort to offer a substantive, renewed, and inspiring agenda for the years to come. The webinar series envisions becoming a platform for childhood studies by reinvigorating debate within the field and opening it up to new ways of thinking finely tuned to the ethics and politics of this scholarly field.
For this first webinar three well-known scholars will kick-off the discussion by offering their own perspectives on reimagining Childhood Studies:
Professor Lucia Rabello de Castro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Professor Sharon Bessell, Australian National University, Australia
Professor Tatek Abebe, NTNU, Norway
The webinar will conclude with a Q & A session.
Date: Wednesday, 25th November 2020
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm GMT
Register for this free webinar on zoom. Students, academics, and children’s sector workers /volunteers may find this series particularly relevant.
Following this inaugural event, three other webinars are being planned. Each webinar will explore a different theme, issue, or concept which we have identified as potentially generative for Childhood Studies. The three planned webinars are as follows:
Slow Violence (January 2021)
Refusal (February 2021)
Beyond Liberalism (March 2021)
Dates for these three webinars will be announced at a later point.
Organizers: Spyros Spyrou (European University Cyprus); Rachel Rosen (University College London); Sarada Balagopalan (Rutgers University).