art and words dedicated to the children of Palestine

Letters for Palestinian childhoods

An online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine.

L4PC aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.

See upcoming and past exhibits.

December 1, 2023

Queridos niños y niñas de Gaza

Les escribo desde México. Parecería que nuestras tierras están muy alejadas en distancia física pero no lo están en la distancia de nuestros corazones con los de ustedes. Quiero decirles que estoy muy enojada por la violencia que está cayendo sobre ustedes. Yo sé que no es una violencia nueva, porque ésta ha sido ejercida desde hace décadas sobre el pueblo palestino, que ha tenido que sufrir injustamente por varias generaciones. Quiero decirles que intento transformar mi enojo en acciones que puedan aportar aunque sea un granito de arena en el cese al fuego y el alto total a esta guerra colonial: voy con mi familia a manifestaciones que exigen la paz, y hablo todo lo que puedo con toda la gente que puedo para exigir un alto a esta situación injusta. Pero no puedo negar que sigo sintiéndome desolada y con mucho dolor . Yo quiero que ustedes puedan estar en sus casas, ir a la escuela, comer bien, tomar agua, tener atención médica, jugar con tranquilidad. Quiero que sepan que somos muchísimos en el mundo movilizándonos para que la paz y la justicia puedan convertirse en una realidad para el pueblo palestino. Hablo mucho de esto con mis dos hijos. Mi hija está aprendiendo inglés y quiso mandarles este acróstico que ella escribió y dibujó en una bandera palestina. Espero que les guste. Dice así:

Please hold on, you
Are strong, to the
Left and the right, come on let’s fight!
Empty tonight, we will shine like a light,
So, we will stand, this is the last time.
Together forever we´re
Insane, what is that type of man?
No, we won´t accept it, but it is not the same,
Embarrassing, what they do is embarrassing, we will go, come on! Come on!


Exigimos un cese al fuego total e inmediato.

Susana Sosenski, UNAM (México)

Dear children of Gaza

I am writing to you from Mexico. It would seems that our lands are far apart in physical distance, but not in the distance of our hearts from yours. I want to tell you that I am very angry about the violence that is falling on you. I know that it is not a new violence, because it has been inflicted for decades on the Palestinian people, who have been suffering unjustly for generations. I want to tell you that I try to transform my anger into actions that can contribute even a grain of sand towards a ceasefire and a total end to this colonial war: I go to demonstrations with my family to demand peace, and I talk to as many people as I can to demand an end to this unjust situation. But I can’t deny that I still feel devastated and in great pain for the people of Gaza. I want you to be able to be in your homes, to go to school, to eat well, to drink water, to get medical care, to play safely. I want you to know that there are so many of us around the world who are mobilising to work for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. I speak about this frequently with my two children. My daughter is learning English and wanted to send you this acrostic she wrote and drew on a Palestinian flag. I hope you like it. It goes like this:

Please hold on, you
Are strong, to the
Left and the right, come on let’s fight!
Empty tonight, we will shine like a light,
So, we will stand, this is the last time.
Together forever we´re
Insane, what is that type of man?
No, we won´t accept it, but it is not the same,
Embarrassing, what they do is embarrassing, we will go, come on! Come on!


We demand a total and immediate ceasefire.

Susana Sosenski, UNAM (México)

Image: Please hold on,
created by Maria (México)