art and words dedicated to the children of Palestine

Letters for Palestinian childhoods

An online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine.

L4PC aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.

See upcoming and past exhibits.

May 15, 2024

All the names of Allah

Love letter for the girls and boys of Gaza, Palestine

NAKBA May 15, 2024

I wanted to write you a poem but I cried. 

I wanted to travel to meet you, hug you, play with you but I never had time because I was working, working for this system of death, teaching human rights ironically.

Today I just come to put flowers on all your names and to ask you to forgive me for not having made more noise for you, for not screaming louder so the deaf and selfish world would listen to your story of pain, domination, theft of land and destruction of your childhoods, today I come to denounce this genocide.

Today I bring you words of love full of flowers, flowers like you because all of you know how to listen. We will say together then all the names of the killed children, we will sing every name, all the names of Allah, until the sky breaks. 

They wanted to erase Gaza and we all became Palestine. 

PS. Zapatista: 

Now I have 3 Palestinian children.

They were born from our common struggle in Palestine:


Nizar and

Zaid Ahmed.

This love letter is also for them.

Cecilia Zeledon (Mexico)