Hello people of Palestine,
I always watch the news of Palestine and I feel very sorry for what you are going through, and I wish I could change something, but I can’t, but I wish with all my heart that things change and your situation improves.
I’ve also had to leave my country, for different reasons, but I kown what it is to leave your land, your house, your family and leave behind everything you had. This is why I wish, with all my heart, that you to draw strength from where there is none, and try to keep going and try to hold on at all times.
Yours sincerely,
A Colombian in Spain
I’m Gabriel
I’m Gabriel and I’m a young Rumanian living in Spain (Vasque country) and I put myself on your place every time I hear news about Palestine and how unfair they are being with you.
Lots of strength from here and I hope your situation gets better and we can live quiet and in peace in this world of unfair people.
My name is Jonay. I’m 16 years old and I live in a town in the Vasque country. I’m writing this letter to cheer you up. There’s lots of people who know what you are going through and are on your side. I hope that at least I can make you smile with this message because you deserve it.
Greetings, hugs and keep going strong the way you have done so far.
Hello children of Palestine
I want you to know that there are lots of people thinking about you. I’m very sorry about what is happening to you. I send you lots of encouragement. You are not alone, you can. I know what it is to be without your family, and I know you are going through a hard time. I send you lots of encouragement and lots of kisses and you’ll se how this will pass. I hope this passes soon.
A kiss to all the children.
Luis a Roma boy from Bilbao (Spain)
Translated from Spanish > English by Gabriela Piña, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile