art and words dedicated to the children of Palestine

Letters for Palestinian childhoods

An online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine.

L4PC aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.

See upcoming and past exhibits.

June 21, 2024

A letter to Palestinian Children

You may feel like there is no way.

Each path leads to nowhere.

You are not alone in this feel of being lost.

I believe that it’s easier to be lost with someone or something on your side – for me that’s what childhood is about. To get lost and find your way, never alone.

Childhood is

when you laugh laud and gaily

when you are cared and loved by parents

you learn multiplication table

you play with friends

dream about adventures

enjoy each coming day.

Childhood it is not

when you are scared

when your parents are not around

you can’t dream

you lose friends

lose your home.

You may choose what to keep from your childhood.

No matter what or who is on your side, you have your origin and roots to back you up. 

Izabella Main and Wiktoria Moritz-Leśniak, Department of Anthropology and Ethnology

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland