art and words dedicated to the children of Palestine

Letters for Palestinian childhoods

An online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine.

L4PC aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.

See upcoming and past exhibits.

February 28, 2024

Common Ground, IAS (London, UK)

Launch: 7th February 2024
Exhibit: 7th February – 23rd February 2024
Institute of Advanced Studies, Common Ground, University College London,  Gower Street, London, UK, WC1E 6BT

Except Palestine: Town-Hall Discussion ( 4-6pm)

The panel focuses on the impact of what experts are calling a “textbook case of genocide” on Palestinian children and childhood. Panellists will explore how young Palestinians are both targeted and used by political Zionism to build, maintain, and justify the Israeli ethno-nation. Panelists will bring their expertise on childhood to discuss the implications for solidarity – both how the supposedly ultra deserving figure of the child as victim falls apart when it comes to Palestine and the problematics of tying solidarity movements to accounts of the exceptionalism of childhood.

This event is the fourth in a series of town-hall discussions, co-organised by UCL Middle East Research CentreSOAS Centre for Palestine StudiesLSE Human Rights and King’s College London. 

Letters For Palestinian Childhoods Exhibition (6-7pm) 

An exhibition of letters, poems and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine. More details on the “Letters For Palestinian Childhoods” initiative can be found Online and on Instagram.