art and words dedicated to the children of Palestine
Letters for Palestinian childhoods
An online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine.
L4PC aims to counter dehumanising narratives about Palestinians, showing solidarity by attending to the names, stories, experiences, dreams, and struggles of Palestinian children and the actions of the Western-backed Israeli state which are so violently shaping their lives.
Child of Palestine
Letters from Lublin
Letters from the workshop Reading and writing letters in solidarity (Poland)
Dear Khaled Joudeh
This is the second letter that I write to you. Now you are in Heaven with your brother Tamer, who was 7 years old, and your 2-year-old cousin Nada, and three other relatives. Some people could ask, why bother writing...
To Kids in Gaza
from your older siblings in Poland Keep learning. Learn your history, learn about Your home, learn about your land, so you can teach others. Learn how to dance, learn how to sing. We will keep learning from you. We...
A letter to Palestinian Children
You may feel like there is no way. Each path leads to nowhere. You are not alone in this feel of being lost. I believe that it’s easier to be lost with someone or something on your side – for me that’s what childhood...
Letters from SJP in Poznań
During a protest organised by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) in Poznań, participants - including students and residents of Poznań - wrote letters for Palestinian childhoods. SJP in Poznań writes: As a group of...
Dear Friends from Gaza
We are four friends from Poland – Dominik, Monika, Marta and Misia. Even though we are far away from you, we would you like to get to know you and tell you about the place we come from. There are many red things in our...
Letters from Maa Shanti family workshop
30th May 2024, Maa Shanti family workshop (London, UK)
Letters from the mujawaarah family workshop
29th May 2024, Letters from a workshop for families led by Maslaha - Schools With Roots (Birmingham, UK)
Letters from Cape Town
Letters produced at an exhibit and workshop at the University of Capet Town, South Africa.
All the names of Allah
Love letter for the girls and boys of Gaza, Palestine NAKBA May 15, 2024 I wanted to write you a poem but I cried. I wanted to travel to meet you, hug you, play with you but I never had time because I was...
Letters from Akwaaba children
24th March 2024, Akwaaba kids (London, UK)
Letters from the ‘Children’s fayre’
25th February 2024, The Maqam Centre (London, UK)
Somos los niños y niñas de San Miguel Tzinacapan.Y le mandamos esta radio carta a los niños de Palestina.Estamos en el pueblo en San Miguel Tzinacapan.Aquí hay lirios, rosas, plátanos, manzanas, fresas, naranjas,...
A Letter for the Children of Gaza
You are not Forgotten. Dearest, precious, sweet child of Gaza, I know that no words can suffice for what you have been through, for what you are going through at this difficult time, when I take refuge in the pen. But...
Into Oblivion
Yaaa Weldi, I sit here with all the batanyat, mittens, and bonnets I made Filled with countless dreams unfulfilled for which I had so heartily prayed; Numb by your white, stained, airless Kafan with no name or...
Love notes for Hind Rajab
Every day I send my 5-year-old son to Kindergarten with a “love note” in his lunchbox — A small drawing of a plant or animal with “love you” written underneath. Since your murder, Hind, I have been drawing a love...
Letters from Teens from ‘Centro Educativo Uribarri-Berriztu’, Basque Country, Spain
Hello people of Palestine, I always watch the news of Palestine and I feel very sorry for what you are going through, and I wish I could change something, but I can’t, but I wish with all my heart that things change...
To all the children who lost a limb
I watched holocaust survivor, Marione Ingram, on democracy now tell us that her heart is breaking because she knows what the children of Gaza are going through - she knows what you are feeling.Her words felt like...
‘It’s Complicated’
My dear friend, Have you ever heard a grown-up say ‘its complicated’? When a grown-up says this, it’s very rare that it actually IS complicated. This is an answer that grown-ups usually give when they don’t want to...
To The Girl Who Danced in the Rain
In your blue skirt and your red blouse, you move so gently, full of joy, as if the world was a wonder and there were no ruins around you. Captured, I glimpse the scene as if on a movie screen. In her black jacket, a...
Dear Lama
You remind me of myself; our skin tone similar, our mother tongue similar in origin. I grieve when I wonder; What was I doing at 9 years old? And how by arbitrary chance, our lives are not similar at all. I am in awe...
Dear Dunia
My daughter, Yasmine, is 12 years old. She is the same age as you. These days, every time I look at Yasmine, I remember you, and I think about the life you could’ve had, should’ve had. I think of a life all...
100 days of genocide
Where is the world, you ask. Does no one see me bereft? Caressing my sister’s cold 1-year old body. Does no one hear our terrorized cries? Amidst the 29,000 (by mid-December) munitions, shells and bombs dropped...
Six wars old
Cartas para Palestina
Letters and art from children at Colegio Huerta de Santa Marina (Spain)
Hola niños y niñas de Palestina
Hello boys and girls of Palestine I am Candela, I am writing this letter to you from school. Every day I see the news and I see your country, the children, the people in the hospital, I say to myself how lucky I am...
Hola querido/a niño/as palestinos/a
Hello dear Palestinian boy, Palestinian girl I am very sorry for what is happening to you, I can't do anything because I am just another child. From here I send you my support and keep going, although of course I am...
Por los niños palestinos
For Palestinian children Hi I'm Maria, a girl who of course is not as brave as you, a girl who can't imagine what you are going through. A girl who has never heard a bomb hit the ground, a girl who has never seen a...
Con su propia voz
Queridos niños y niñas de Gaza, De todas las fotos y reportajes gráficos que estamos viendo estos dos largos meses, no puedo decir cuál me ha impresionado más. Elijo esta donde aparecéis serios, preocupados, con mirada...
Mr. Fox
In this allegorical tale, a fox takes over someone’s home, invites all of his friends in, eats all of her food, while the homeowner has to sleep outside on the porch. The story, written in a playful innocent style, is...
To the little girl who was wounded and asking whether this was a dream or reality
During the last two months I have seen so many images from Gaza that have stuck with me. But the little girl having her wounds cleaned while she insistently asked whether this was a dream or reality, whether what...
Barcos de papel cargados de deseos camino al faro que es cada niña y cada niño en Gaza
Paper boats loaded with wishes on their way to the lighthouse that is every girl and boy in Gaza. La imagen "Barcos de papel cargados de deseos camino al faro que es cada niña y cada niño en Gaza" es producto de un...
What She Said*
"They don't have snow days in Palestine, they have military invasion days." -International Solidarity Movement activists, describing Palestinian children's lives under occupation. She said, go play outside, but don’t...
Dear Nariman
You don’t know me, but I’ve been thinking a lot about you. I first found about you in 2021, when I learned that your home had been bombed by the Israel military. When you fled your home before the bombs...
Dear Children in Gaza
We wish to share a story with you about a remarkable plant that embodies both strength and sweetness: the watermelon cactus, a symbol of hope and resilience. In a challenging environment, amid ruins, grows the...
Where is my family?
Where is my family? I’m still young Where is my family? And our farewell became a destiny Where is my family? Why did this pain happen to me? Where is my family? Blood is all over my walls Where is my family? I opened...
To the Children of Gaza
It is silent here From where I sit I can hear the sounds Of me typing on this computer Of me breathing heavy into my thoughts Of my sighing at the impending exhaustion of mundane jobs It is silent here From where I sit...
We prefer Palestine to be free
We prefer a game of cards and reading old books, We prefer the sound of singing to the siren of an ambulance. We prefer schools with students and hospitals with fuel, We prefer a home to a tent when the...
To the children of Palestine who are living in fear
The world has failed you and robbed you of your childhoods – you have every right to be angry and cry out about the inhumanity that is being inflicted on you, your families and friends. International conventions that...
Queridos niños y niñas de Gaza
Les escribo desde México. Parecería que nuestras tierras están muy alejadas en distancia física pero no lo están en la distancia de nuestros corazones con los de ustedes. Quiero decirles que estoy muy enojada por la...
To the children of Gaza
You’ve been in a dark nightmare for too long. I don’t know if a few days of ceasefire allowed for some relief. I hope so, I hope you're warmed up a bit, I hope you're fed, and I hope you've been able to sleep quietly....
Tiny beads
Dear children of Palestine You are as precious as the tiny beads that together shape the words Free Palestine. As each bead is carefully placed, they tell the story of a Free Palestine. I am so sad and angry that you...
To the children who cannot imagine a future, and who miss their favorite toys
This is a photo of a little boy standing in front of a pretend moon. He is three years old. He’s hitting it because he thinks it is a drum, his favourite toy. Above him is the real moon. It’s a crescent shape. He says...
Dear Khaled Joudeh
I saw your picture in the first page of a newspaper very far from where you live. You are only 9 years old wearing a non-sleeves T-shirt and barefoot. You were at the morgue, crying and caressing the face of your...
I’ll Meet You in a Dream
I don’t know your name, and this haunts me. I want to say your name, to keep you alive. Because I don’t know if you are or not. But when I close my eyes, I see you. Your hands are chalked, grey, from the particles of...
My mother was a child of war
My mother was a child of war in a cellar she hid with her mother while the bombs - silent ones which would suddenly burst - crushed homes on the street and she waited for father to return My father was a young man of...
Stories of Children
When I was a little girl, I was scared of the dark. I used to slip into my grandmother’s bed in the middle of the night, and nestled against her, all nice and warm, I used to say: “ can you tell me a story?”...
Dear little one
The world is dark outside and in, The noise is scary, Even if you put your fingers in your ears. You are hungry, wet and cold, Where is daddy gone? Why is mummy crying? Why is the world so hostile and unsafe? Home is...
This Saturday
This Saturday, November 25, my daughter Laura turns 4 years old. She wants a unicorn cake and lots of balloons. It's hard for me not to have mixed feelings when, while I buy her balloons and look for...
To the Children of Beit Lahia, Maghazi, Deir el-Balah and Rafah
This is a letter to the 400 children in Beit Lahia, Maghazi, Deir el-Balah and Rafah who joined the Canaan Institute / Centre for Global Education programme in June and produced the most magical arts and crafts. You...
Dear Yehya
I saw your father holding you, wrapped in white. You were born in this atrocity and killed just two days later. We were told that your death certificate was printed...
Write My Name*
“Some parents in Gaza have resorted to writing their children’s names on their legs to help identify them should either they or the children be killed.”—CNN, 10/22/2023Write my name on my leg, MamaUse the black...
Dear Salma
I have watched many times the short heart wrenching clip of you mourning the death of your beloved bird, killed due to airstrikes in your community. I am writing to let you know that I have thought of you often with...
Dear Palestinian childhoods
I write you as the state of Israel executes a genocide against you. I wonder what would happen if every time the state of Israel kills a Palestinian child, an Israeli Jewish child vanishes? Disappears? As the...
To Hanan
So much has changed in your life since your 3rd birthday celebrations on the 30th September. Your mum sent me videos then of you riding in a big blue car in an arcade, bouncing up and down with your contagious laugh....
A los hermosos y valientes niños Palestinos
Pienso en ustedes jugando en el Return Park, en el campamento de Malika, y escucho en mi mente sus voces, sus risas, sus gritos de felicidad y de júbilo. Los veo corriendo, saltando y tomándose de las manos, cantando y...
To the little boy who had to spend a whole night under the rubble until he could be rescued and to all his friends
My dear boy and my dear children When my son was 5 years old, he drew these monsters for me, cut them out and stuck them above my bed – they are good helpful monsters. My son told me he made them to protect me and,...
To the boy who loves his cat
I’m not a cat person. My sister has a cat, she is very mean. But I like your cat. She seems sweet. And I love her because you love her. You saved her from the first floor of a bombed building, while traumatized...
To the unknown boy in a Gaza hospital
One of the first images I saw coming out of the Gaza bombings was of you. I saw parts of the clip twice but could not watch the entire video. I assume you are about 8-9 years old. You were wounded and...
To the children in an UNRWA school in Northern Gaza
My heart leaps as I watch you race eagerly to slide down the hill. You speed past each other. But you reach out so that you are not separated as the ground flies by. I smile as I see you pulling each other back up the...
get involved
Contribute a letter or work of art. Host an exhibit or workshop.
Public engagement
In-person exhibits, workshops, and media coverage about Letters for Palestinian childhoods.
sign the statement
Childhood researchers and students call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza